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Friday, November 08, 2013

An 11-minute video on how Israeli technology is changing your life

Here's an 11-minute video on how Israeli technology is changing your life.

Let's go to the videotape.



At 4:59 PM, Blogger Captain.H said...

By contrast, the "Palis" have given the world the suicide bomb vest; the world's worst case of whining self-pity; the horrible spectacles of "Palis" cheering, honking horns on 9/11; hero-worship for beasts who slaughter women and children.

Yup, our President has said it so well, Islam has done so much for the US and the world. Unfortunately, most of that is soaked in blood, medievalism, hatred.

Most Israelis are painfully aware you have no "partner for peace" among the "Palis". A culture that has in it's kindergarten textbooks that Jews are "apes and pigs" and that Christians are "those who incur the wrath of Allah" doesn't want real peace. They want the Tacitean peace of destruction of Israel and a new Holocaust. I pray and don't believe God will permit this to happen. But we are all also the Lord's tools and must do our part, as He gives us the light to see that part.


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